
Saturday 23 March 2013

Healthy "Instant" Breakfast

I remember the days before my health totally broke down (though I was probably on my way there), when I used to grab a slice of "diet" bread, smear Kraft peanut butter on it, add some banana slices and dash out the door.  I ate "breakfast" as I was running to catch the bus!

Sound familiar?  Or maybe your choice is just a cup of coffee to wake you up. No time to eat.

When we were kids we never had sugary cereal for breakfast.  We had porridge most days with a spoonful of cod liver oil besides.  I don't think there were so many kids with ADHD back then.  Makes you wonder if it's what they are eating for breakfast!
Well I've had to change my eating habits and fit a healthy breakfast into my busy morning. Here's my favorite weekday breakfast.  Absolutely no work, and it's ready when you wake up in the morning!

I went to the Super Store and bought a quart-sized crock pot for $19.95 (I think that was the price.  It's hard to remember as I've been using it for awhile.)  It has 4 settings:  off, low high, and "keep warm".  I experimented at first and found that if I put it in before I went to bed on the "keep warm" setting, the oats were done to perfection by morning.

I use whole oat "groats", rather than rolled oats.  You can buy them in the bulk section of most health foods stores.  The more whole the grain, the higher it is in fibre and the lower it is on the glycemic index.  For instance, instant oatmeal has a GI (glycemic index) of 66;  rolled oats, 58; and steel cut oats, 42.  I couldn't find the GI for whole oats, but it would most likely be slightly lower than even the steel cut oats.  That's really important for blood sugar control.

For 2 people: (we add a lot of nuts and seeds so we don't need as much of the oats.) Adjust the amounts if this isn't enough for you.  Whatever dry measuring cup you use, just add 3 of those cups in water.  Easy!

1/2 cup whole oats
1 1/2 -2 cups water
raisins or other dried fruit

We like to mix it with a protein powder in our bowl and add nuts and seeds.  I use rice or coconut milk on it and my husband prefers the coconut variety of "Almond Fresh". Be as creative as you want!  I've made a whole pot full of oats when we've had overnight guests.  I just set the crock pot  in the middle of the table and let everyone help themselves!

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