
Saturday, 19 October 2013

Vitamin D - Do I Need It?

Don't you wish you could spend the long, dark, cold winter months at the beach in the sunny south? Well, that's a goal of ours for sure. But for now we are here in Canada and, I don't know about you, but I tend to hibernate!

Recent studies have shown that a large percentage of the world's population suffers from a deficiency of Vitamin D.  But vitamin D isn't really a vitamin at all.
It's actually a hormone and it's synthesized upon exposure of the skin to sunlight. Here in Canada we are at a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency because we live at such a high latitude where at least 6 months of the year we don't have very direct sunlight and we cover most of our skin to keep warm! Add to that the fear of skin cancer promoted by the sunscreen companies and many folks don't even get their dose from the sun in the summer! 

Vitamin D is needed for the proper functioning of every cell in the body.  It's especially important for it's role in mineral absorption and therefore in maintaining bone density.  Also, vitamin D when combined with calcium has been found to possess anticancer properties.  It can help regulate blood pressure.  It has also been found to help in the treatment of some immunological disorders such as MS and psoriasis.  It can improve psoriasis as well as have a positive effect on mood and behavior.  It may also help improve muscle strength.  But this time of year when we don't get the sunshine, it can boost your immunity and make you less susceptible to colds and flu.

If you aren't sure what is the best kind to buy, a clinical study showed that people taking USANA's vitamin D are 6 times more likely to have vitamin D levels in the optimal range when tested.

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